
   Accelerating Scrum with Patterns

Accelerating Scrum with Patterns



Accelerating Scrum with Patterns

Accelerating Scrum with Patterns

組織パターンでScrumを微調整する 〜 Scrum Fine-Tuning using Organizational Patterns







第1のグループは、Scrumのフレームワークにそのまま当てはまる。例えば Firewall という、開発者から厄介な問題を遠ざけておく係を置くパターンがある。Scrumでこの役割を担うのは誰だろうか? Scrumマスターはチームを守るが、そのために自身がFirewallとなる。もう少しわかりづらい例としては、プロダクトオーナーもまたFirewallなのだが、その実現方法は、要求を追加するのはスプリント単位に限るというやり方によるものだ。ではマネージャについてはどうだろうか。マネージャはFirewallたりえるだろうか?(Patron Role のパターンも参照されたい)

第2のグループは、Scrum実践の心構えに関するパターンだ。これはScrumのフレームワークそのものには含まれていないが、良い習慣と見なされている。たとえば、Get on with it パターンがそうだ。このパターンでは、何かを始めるにあたり、完璧で満足のいく計画がなくても、現時点の情報をもとに最初のプロダクトを構築すべく前へ進んでいく。

第3のグループは、Scrumのプロセス改善をより効果的にする考え方や話し合いのヒントになるパターンだ。たとえば、Face to Face Before Working Remotely (離れて作業する前に会う)パターンがこれにあたる。地理的に離れて作業するチームがうまくやっていくためには、離ればなれになるより前に、チームメンバー同士が顔を合わせる時間を確保することは見逃せない成功要因だろう。



2. 3分でわかるScrm
3. パターンの概要
4. Scrumのコンテキストにおける組織パターン
  1. Scrumから組織パターンへ: Scrum視点から見たパターン
  2. 組織パターンからScrumへ: パターン視点から見たScrum
  3. パターンの3分類
5. パターンを使って障害を取り除く
6. パターンの依存関係
  1. パターンの依存関係
  2. パターンの順序
  3. パターンランゲージ
7. 高度なトピック
8. 次の一歩と宿題

各参加者には『Organizational Patterns of Agile Software Development』を一冊、配布します。
(翻訳: 角谷信太郎)


This seminar will teach you how to use organizational patterns to improve your Scrum implementation. Each organizational patterns is a small, local approach to strengthening your Scrum Scrum. Patterns capture solutions to similar problems seen in other organizations, and because they are incremental and empirical, they can help you with your Agile process improvement.

The patterns we present in this class have all been through the extensive reviewing process of the Pattern Community (PLOP) to ensure that the solutions are broadly reproducible. Furthermore, each pattern has been scrutinized by some of the leading Scrum people in the world. Their conclusions?

We have divided Organizational Patterns into 3 categories:

  • One set of Organizational Patterns map directly to the Scrum framwork, e.g.: Firewall - Someone has to keep the monkeys off the developers' backs. Who would that be in Scrum? Well, the Scrum Master protects the process and is there by a Firewall. Less obvious is that the Product Owner is also a firewall, in making sure only one set of requirements come into a sprint. What about a manager, can a manager be a Firewall? (also see the pattern Patron Role)
  • One set of Organizational Patterns map directly to a Scrum software implementation. So even if it is not part of the Scrum framework, it is still considered good practice, e.g.: Get on with it - Even if you don’t have a complete, comfortable plan to get started, take what you know and take it forward to build an initial product.
  • One set of Organizational patterns that can inspire thinking and dialog that amplify Scrum process improvement, e.g.: Face-to-Face Before Working Remotely that relates the success that comes from having team members spending face time at their remote partners' location before starting to work across the miles.

At the end of the class you will know how to use patterns to find and improve the weak spots in your Scrum implementation.


4 Nov 2014


Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan




Venue Voyagegroup
Shibuya First Place Building
Shinsen-cho 8-16
Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan 150-0045


Discounted seats available. Contact Agilergo Consulting for more information.



Welcome and Opening Games

  1. Short History of Patterns and Organizational Patterns
  2. Scrum in 3 minutes
  3. Pattern Overview
  4. Organizational patterns in the Scrum context
    1. From Scrum to Org Patterns: Looking at Patterns from a Scrum Perspective
    2. From Org Patterns to Scrum: Looking at Scrum from a Patterns Perspective
    3. Three groups of patterns
  5. Solving impediments with patterns
  6. Pattern Dependencies
    1. Pattern dependencies
    2. Pattern sequences
    3. Pattern languages
  7. Advanced Topics
  8. Next steps and homework

All attendees will receive a copy of the book Organizational Patterns of Agile Software Development

This course is for Scrum practitioners — particularly ScrumMasters, but also team members — interested in improving their Scrum implementation.